Jaco Farmer’s Market
One of the most intriguing things about Costa Rica is its foraging landscape. There is a vast variety of different edible plants, fruits, and vegitables that grow across the country. Locally known as the Feria de Jaco ,Jaco Farmer’s Market, provides a large display of this produce. The market operates every Friday from 6am to 2pm next to the Garabito Clinic. It is all organic, and you can see it through the colors and ripeness of the rich fruits and vegetables that are sold and sampled. The produce comes right from the farms and for the most part sold by the farmers themselves.
When roaming the market you can also find local art and other products. From breads, pastries, bagels, and meats to an assortment of artisan crafts. It is a perfect way to enjoy good people and support small farms and business from all over the country. If you are visiting Jaco we recommend to make at least one round through, for some day snacks. If you are staying in Jaco long term make it your place for produce on a weekly basis.